Fire for the crows
Elda för kråkorna
It can be described as that you let the fire go up the chimney instead of heating the house. Do not "fire for the crows" as you then waste energy and heat.

Cheese of the luck
Lyckans ost
Lyckans ost means "lucky you". Lucky cheese or more correct the cheese of luck in a direct translation from Swedish to English.

Get it hot on the ears
Få det hett om öronen
To end up in a difficult and vulnerable situation (get into hot water) is described in Swedish with the expression "get it hot on the ears".

All turns to an end, but for the sausage - two
Allting har en ände, men korven den har två
Sometimes it feels like things will never end, but they do. Not always the way you have expected it though.

Think on the chorus
Tänka på refrängen
When it's time to go and depart from the gathering, in Swedish it is time to " think on the chorus".

Get your fishes warm
Få sina fiskar varma
No one wants to get their fishes warm (getting scolded) as it means that you are being told by a superior in a sharp way that you have not done what you were supposed to.

Thank you and goodbye - liver paste
Tack och hej, leverpastej!
It rimes so nicely in Swedish, but it makes absolutely no sense. See you later alligator!

Walk in the roof
Gå i taket
This expression is used when you become very angry. In English, the expression "blow my gasket" is a similar one.

Up with the rooster
Uppe med tuppen
If you are an early bird you are definitely up with the rooster. You have an early morning in Swedish, going up from bed at the same time as the rooster awakes.

On the wallpaper
På tapeten
What is a hot topic and actual is in Swedish what is "on the wallpaper".

Holding box
Hålla låda
When someone speaks long and incessantly. Full action talking and talking, a Swedish version to "talk nineteen to the dozen".

Cost the shirt
Kosta skjortan
It turned out much more expensive than you expected. Deadly expensive or "cost the shirt" as is the Swedish expression.

A nail in the eye
En nagel i ögat
Something that irritates and is annoying. Just like a nail in the eye. The expression talks for itself.
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